Monday, August 6, 2007

Overhauling Studies Engine

After taking a break of nearly ten years since my bachelor's degree, today is going to be first class in Nanyang Technological University's Msc in Knowledge Management.

Well, imagine putting your car engine in the garage for the past decade and then suddenly bringing it out for use! I guess I would have start lubricating and overhauling the inner pistons of this engine so that I can be able to speed up like a Ferrari.

However, it is with anticipation and sheer delight by the thought that I will be having discussions and conversations with fellow like-minded classmates on a subject like Knowledge Management which really spans across many disciplines like psychology, anthropology, technology and other "gies" you can imagine.

I do hope this studies engine of mine can really accelerate and speed up in the highway..... of course within the legal speed limit.

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