Sunday, January 27, 2008

Career Anchors

I just did an questionaire exercise that helps to determine what kind of anchors that a person value most in their careers. I found the model to be an accurate depiction of my anchors. It was first proposed by Edgar Schein from MIT. The Anchors are as follows:

Technical/Functional competence
This kind of person likes being good at something and will work to become a guru or expert. They like to be challenged and then use their skill to meet the challenge, doing the job properly and better than almost anyone else.

General Managerial competence
Unlike technical/functional people, these folks want to be managers (and not just to get more money, although this may be used as a metric of success). They like problem-solving and dealing with other people. They thrive on responsibility. To be successful, they also need emotional competence.

These people have a primary need to work under their own rules and steam. They avoid standards and prefer to work alone.

Security-focused people seek stability and continuity as a primary factor of their lives. They avoid risks and are generally 'lifers' in their job.

Entrepreneurial Creativity
These folks like to invent things, be creative and, most of all, to run their own businesses. They differ from those who seek autonomy in that they will share the workload. They find ownership very important. They easily get bored. Wealth, for them, is a sign of success.

Service/Dedication to a cause
Service-oriented people are driven by how they can help other people more than using their talents (which may fall in other areas). They may well work in public services or in such as HR.

Pure Challenge
People driven by challenge seek constant stimulation and difficult problems that they can tackle. Such people will change jobs when the current one gets boring and their career can be very varied.

Those who are focused first on lifestyle look at their whole pattern of living. They not so much balance work and life as integrate it. They may even take long periods off work in which to indulge in passions such as sailing or traveling.

I think I posted about the Lifestyle Anchor previously when talking about people taking career breaks. Typically, people in this category could be misinterpreted
to be frivolous people who do not work hard. On the contrary, they are pretty full of life and wishes to have a holistic and wholesome living which many of us could only dream about. Makes you wonder where most Singaporeans' career anchors are .....

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