Monday, June 25, 2007

Standing on the Shoulder of Giants

I saw Google Scholar's motto "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants" and wondered what does it mean. Apparently, it was famously used by Issac Newton in his letter to Robert Hooke, February 5, 1675 attributing his dependency on Galileo’s and Kepler’s work in physics and astronomy.

He said "If I have seen further [than certain other men] it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."

Nevertheless, it also means to say Newton was able to produce and contribute immensely to human stock of knowledge because of prior knowledge that was already discovered by earlier men(women).

Well, it seems that every generation would somehow benefit from the work of the previous. Which is why we are enjoying the longer lifespans, being healthier, more leisure options and other positive benefits that are incalculable in every conceivable field of human endeavour.

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