Monday, June 18, 2007

Wikinomics and MIT OpenCourseWare

Been reading the book Wikinomics - How Mass collaboration Changes Everything when I saw that MIT is offering its course materials in the internet termed as OpenCourseWare.

I thought Wow!... this is quite impossible. Just now, went to its link and find that this is totally true. It has everything from Anthropology, Economics, Writing to Business Management. All for free.

Anything that you want to learn is in there. Great resource to goto if you need some intellectual stimulation.

Back to the book; I had just started but its authors Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams is actually relating some good ideas on how a new business models in the current Web 2.0 internet age can be applied in the economic sense. It is real interesting on how the concept of openess, peering, sharing and acting globally can in the current econonic context thrive when the basic tenets of generating wealth through knowledge in our existing business models means keen protection of intellectual property through copyrights and patents.

Interesting read and I hope to finish it soon enough.

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