Sunday, May 6, 2007

Knowing you know nothing = ?

I was just reading journeyman's comments of my previous post "raison d'etre"; and what he said triggered me to wonder how and when will anyone gain true wisdom in the sense of the word...

So, I googled it and I found a quote from Socrates as below:

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" Socrates

I loved it. The name of this blog should actually change to... "Knowlege to Knowing You Know Nothing"... hehee ;p. All my life, I have been reading and enquiring about things, and I have always felt that I still do not know enough.

When I first titled this blog's name, I was really thinking about my past years of constant reading. Then it occurred to me when and how can I attain wisdom. I also asked myself whether wisdom can only be attained by someone old and elderly (because I always had the image of an old man with white beard sitting up in the mountain where "ying xiong" or heroes will come up and seek their advice or to learn their skills... hmmn maybe its due to my childhood days watching "wuxia pian"

So finally, I decided to title it as "Knowledge to True Wisdom"... meaning I was hoping to gain knowledge and attaining true wisdom during the course of my life's journey before I start knocking on heaven's doors.

But tonight, it seems all clear to me now. I had known that I do not know enough before, but what I should had known was I know nothing at all.....

Get it?

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