Friday, May 4, 2007

Truth about our climate?

Today, watched two films that largely mirror each other's storyline. The bottom line that both says is that global warming is ruining the earth that we live in now. An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore had all the high powered graphics, his charamastic delivery of the presentation slides and of course with his good wit. The second one is by PBS's Global Warming: The signs and science
hosted by Alannis Morrisette. Less of a drama as it was not delivered by a politician, but still gives us the facts and information through other experts on various fields.

In a nutshell, what both are saying is that if nothing is being done to stop (or was it slow down?) this global crisis, we will end up extinct maybe just like the dinosaurs. So, is there an urgency to alleviate this problem? Apparently not, we are still weighing the costs and the benefits. Some may even be questioning whether global warming is happening or not.

To a certain extent, I can sense that there is "truth" in these messages that are being sent out. Al Gore even had the time to put in the film about how he was influenced by his professor on the environment, his childhood on the farm, his sister's unfortunate death, his son's accident and jibes by former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr on his environmental views.

I wonder whether if he had become the President, would he have done things differently; for the environment and the other contentious political issues of our day (Iraq, 9/11 and so fortha). We will never know of course.

In any case, all the troubles and problems will become inconsequential on the day of reckoning when all the wealth, technology and power of the world will not be able to stop this force of nature. So, let's start small and bit by bit. I know what I can try to do first.... try to stop/refrain from taking those plastic bags from the supermarkets and turn off the lights ....

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