Thursday, May 17, 2007

Travel Bug and Balancing Equations

I was probably infected by the travel bug some twenty years ago when I first visited Perth with my mum. It was an eye-opening experience as it was my first visit to western country. It was so like my home country but yet it was so different in their outlook and pace of life. I really enjoyed my trip and I told myself from then on that I will travel to more countries to experience their way of life and culture.

I then managed to visit Perth again in eleven years later when I went there for a two week on-campus study. It was not so enjoyable this time as my courses were pretty intense, but I had a better taste of what life was like in down under. People were walking so slowly, buses wait at bus-stops for commuters and shops close at 5pm. I also experienced the coldness of upside down winter that Australia always faces; in June!

Well, tomorrow it is going to be my hat-trick trip to Perth. I was just flipping through one of the news magazines (can't remember which one!) two days ago, and briefly read an article describing surveys of people's attitudes towards work and overall opinion of life actually improved after they had gone on vacation on various length of time.

Slow pace vacation out of the country, Perth seems the ideal place to increase the 3rd element of Passion for Work equation. Let's see.....

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